Partner with Ordrio!

Build your business on excellent solutions. Join forces with us and let growth opportunities find you.

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      Earn upto 40% Commission on every sales made. 

      You don’t have to look for a new direction for your business on your own

      Whether you’re a marketer, influencer, business consultant, or an eCommerce enthusiast, our program is tailor-made for you.

      Generous Commissions

      Earn competitive commissions for every successful sale you refer to [Your Company]. As our partner or affiliate, your success directly impacts your income.

      Market-Leading Solutions

      Promote e-commerce solutions trusted by businesses worldwide. You’ll be offering top-tier products and services that are in high demand.

      Dedicated Support

      Access a dedicated support team to assist you every step of the way. We provide the resources and assistance you need to excel.

      Who Can Join?


      Leverage your influence to introduce our solutions to your audience.


      Use your marketing skills to promote our products and earn commissions.

      Business Consultants

      Recommend our eCommerce solutions to your clients and enjoy additional revenue.

      eCommerce Enthusiasts

      If you’re passionate about eCommerce, turn that passion into.

      Get In Touch

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          How It Works

          Get Started

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              Start Growing Your Income Today

              Join Ordrio’s Partner & Affiliate Program and start earning commissions while promoting our cutting-edge eCommerce solutions. It’s a win-win opportunity for you and your audience.

              Join Now

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                  One -Time setup charges applicable

                  Setup charges are applicable to Lite and Basic plans. These charges include the first year’s billing cost.

                  Get Started

                  Ready to take your business to the next level ?

                  Take the first step towards eCommerce excellence – choose Ordrio and watch your business thrive!

                   1st Floor, Prithvi Soudha Building, N.H.66, Junction, Post, Ambalpadi, Udupi, Karnataka 576103
                   +91 91085 39754
                   [email protected]

                  Request A Demo


                    One -Time setup charges applicable

                    Plans offer order credits; extra credits available for purchase, ensuring efficient order management.

                    Get Started

                    Ready to take your business to the next level ?

                    Take the first step towards eCommerce excellence – choose Ordrio and watch your business thrive!

                     1st Floor, Prithvi Soudha Building, N.H.66, Junction, Post, Ambalpadi, Udupi, Karnataka 576103
                     +91 91085 39754
                     [email protected]

                    Request A Demo